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Showing posts from December, 2009

Media Laws - A boon or a bane?

Law is a system of rule and regulations that a society sets in order to maintain peace and stability. Personally how I understand law is that it is used to control and shape the way an institution works. It defines the work done by the institution and whether its workers are conformists or otherwise. Different institutions have different sets of laws and it is compulsory for each one to follow. If not followed or abided by, the consequences are in the form of punishment, suspension or the non-conformist is usually detained from the institution. In India, the Constitution is the legal document that contains all the laws explained in detail. Institutions such as schools, colleges, companies, non-profit organizations and media are regulated according to these laws. Media in India has been used to the fullest in terms of politics, economics and society. Unfortunately there are certain sub-divisions of media or different types of media like broadcast media that have misused the amoun