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Showing posts from May, 2010

If you can't do the time, don't do the crime

I absolutely have no idea why I have given this piece of writing such a heading. It is nowhere close to what am going to be talking about. Well, not directly at least. This is just an emotional outburst. So people reading it, do understand that this was written when I was going through one of the worst mood swings ever and you’ll know why in the lines further to come. People say things happen for a reason. There is a reason why I chose to work in CUPA. One of the obvious reasons was, I wanted to always be around dogs and help them with whatever they needed. Not for a moment in my entire life did I realize that this decision was going to change my perception about life. I might sound supremely philosophical, but yes, it did happen to me. Otherwise I won’t be writing this. Moving on, this one month, I had the time of my life. I am in the last week of my internship, officially. I am going to continue working with the NGO because they need help. Since